Magnetic Door Style Kaapa Box

Designed by us specifically for the 'wow factor' when opening the gift. Features many design to choose from, pick one that fits your gifting occasion and taste.

Personalised Greeting Card

Choose from many quirky and meaningful designs, made for all different gifting occasions.

Whats more? Add a personalised note on the back to make it even more meaningful!

Products from multiple brands

Want to get a wholesome gift from items from different brands, also including some edible items? Yep, we got you.

Curate your own hamper from scratch with very different products from the best Indian brands.

Or use our DIY hamper builder to

Make your own Gift Hamper

Curate & build your own gift hamper, complete with a magnetic gift box, products from various brands & a personalised card with your note!

Make yours now ↓


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Just want to gift single items?

Furoshiki Gift wrap

available for all products across store

  1. Scroll down to find bestselling gift products.
  2. Add all the products you like.
  3. Open cart & add this gift wrap + your note.
Gift Wrap